What Is A Senior Citizen Card And What Are Its Benefits?
Your Golden Years. Here’s Why

5 Tips Or Ways For Elders During Monsoon
Monsoon season comes as a relief after the scorching summer months. It is considered as the best of all the seasons by many people. Because monsoon, by its nature, makes people feel refreshed. But this might not be the case for the elderly. How much ever we all find it delightful, we cannot deny the fact that the season comes with its own set of problems like viral infections and several other health issues, and given that senior citizens are the most vulnerable ones, it is highly important to keep them safe.
How Has COVID Changed The Way Everyone Takes Care Of The Older Adults
How Has COVID Changed The Way Everyone Takes Care Of The Older Adults
Why Senior Living Communities Are Best When Dealing With A Crisis
With old age comes health problems that require constant care and attention, regular doctor visits and different lifestyle choices. While at home people try their level best to provide the best possible care and attention to their parents and grandparents, there is always a possibility that some things are inadvertently missed. This takes a toll on the physical and mental well being of the seniors. More seniors are finding senior communities as a great way to ensure that their socialisation needs are taken care of along with their mental and physical needs. The thing about senior communities is that everything is planned to keep the older adults in mind. Facilities, daily activities, the surrounding, apartments and other things are all planned out well. And during a crisis like the one the world is facing right now, it is best that the elderly have a specific care plan and community.
Room For Improvement: Why Learning A New Hobby At 60 Could Be The Answer To A Long And Happy Life
Activity is done during one's leisure time and fun has the capability to instantly boost one's mental health. That's why it is great to have a hobby. The brainpower in older people can be increased with the incorporation of new hobbies. Activities that have you completely involved makes the mind sharp and focused. When pursuing a new hobby it is important for people to push themself out of their comfort zone. When choosing a hobby, scrutinizing is important after a certain age. Passive hobbies such as listening to music or watching TV will not have a productive impact unlike reading, pottery, or learning photography. Creating challenging situations will leave the elderly feeling more alive. Elderly people usually face possible ailments, feelings of loneliness, and a general feeling of the curtain falling down. Empty-hours or post-retirement time is when older people should take up a new hobby to keep their mind alert.
Home Makeover: Primus Style, Practical Design Ideas That Make Primus Homes Great For Seniors
Home Makeover: Primus Style, Practical Design Ideas That Make Primus Homes Great For Seniors
Why Do Seniors Require A Special Diet And How They Can Go About It
A balanced diet at every age is key and should be taken up earnestly. But when it comes to the elderly, a lot more attention is required to the diet than usual. The purpose of a balanced diet is to make sure that the body gets the nutrients it requires. Nutrients that the body requires to function are Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals. Not to forget, water is also vital in a balanced diet. Hence, seniors should make sure to drink an adequate amount of water on a daily basis to stay healthy. However, as you age your body continues to change as per your food and lifestyle choices. That's why older adults should take note of their food choices, keeping in mind the need for fewer calories and the requirement of other nutrients to stay fit and fine.
What Causes Loneliness Amongst Seniors?
An individual's subjective experience about the generalized lack of satisfying human relationships has been conceptualized as loneliness. It is an unpleasant feeling of emptiness and desolation that can creep at any time. Older people can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Loneliness can stem from negative feelings or sadness brought on by a lack of communication, companionship, or relationships with other people.
Coping With COVID-19, Practical Tips For Senior Citizens
The crisis brought to us by COVID-19 is increasing every day. The older adults are at an elevated risk of complications from COVID-19 and are dying at a higher rate than younger patients. Researchers show that adults over the age of 60, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and cancer are more likely to have severe -even deadly- effect than other age groups.
How To Detect Early Stages Of Dementia And Its Treatments
Dementia is a condition that is usually chronic or progressive in nature that deteriorates cognitive function beyond what might be expected from normal ageing. It affects memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement. However, dementia does not affect the consciousness of a person. Deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour or motivation accompanies and occasionally precedes impairment in cognitive function. Dementia can be the result of a variety of diseases and injuries that primarily or secondarily affect the brain, like Alzheimer's disease or stroke.
Why A Woman Too Should Retire From Cooking And Managing The House
Managing a household is as difficult as working outside. Most of the homemakers have no retirement plans and they do not know their financial situation. In recent times many women decide to leave the workforce to take care of their children or care for other family members. Retirement for women managing a house, also becomes imperative as age related physical and mental problems also affect them equally.
How Does A Senior Living Community Bring Down The Ageing Process?
Coping with change is a difficult process, even aging. It is a challenge to cope with the amount of changes that arises due to aging. Changes like children going away, death of parents, friends and other loved ones, ending a career, declining physical health and even loss of independence. There are several reasons why staying in a senior living community is beneficial to the senior aging process.
How Are Medical Emergencies Handled In Primus
With age comes a certain worry | one that's directly related to health. The ‘what if'. We often find elders who are scared and yet completely clueless about what to do in case of a medical emergency. When seniors move to a senior care facility like Primus, they can relax and know that their well being is taken care of not just comfort but also their medical needs.