In the 21st century, the monumental role that a domestic help plays these days can be gauged by the fact that their absence for a single day paralyses the functioning of the household completely. Domestic help has become the cornerstone of the urban milieu that is witnessing more and more women entering the workforce and hence depend heavily on the domestic help for having that “work-life balance”.
A lot of people hire help to look after their house, their children or elderly parents. Having someone at home who can take care makes it easier to concentrate on work. Having a helping hand also reduces the household chores that one has to do after coming back from their already demanding jobs. However these days, the stress only seems to increase even if you have help. In case of a family where both parties are working, if the domestic help does not show up for a day, the routine timetable becomes chaotic and it becomes extremely difficult to juggle both office and home.
It becomes all the more difficult if there are kids or elders at home. Sometimes they do not turn up without prior notice. The uncertainty and unreliability of the domestic part becomes stressful because taking leave from the office and staying at home is not always possible for most working people. People heavily depend on their domestic help to take care of their kids or elders and do the work with utmost sincerity. There have been cases of negligence of work, stealing and violence that has been observed among the helping hands that a family hires which does very little to calm the minds of the people. These kinds of incidents often lead to stress and worry and people become apprehensive about hiring help. While these incidents are few and far in between it has become something one must be conscious of. While most people complain about ‘too many leaves’, think of the person and understand that it is only fair that your domestic workers get fair wages, leaves and days off.
While looking for domestic help, one has to be clear about the list of work and the time they would want them to come and stay for. Unclear instructions often lead to problems and unreliable situations. People have to be open and observant enough to understand whether their maid will be helpful or not.
In cities like Bangalore, where seniors live by themselves it becomes all the more important that the domestic help is made aware about the extra chores that may arise. Including helping with grocery. But remember to compensate them for their effort.
While it may be unreasonable to expect your help to show up every single day without taking a sick day or attending a family gathering, the dependency is quite high especially among seniors. If you have ageing parents who live in Bangalore, you must find them a home that doesn’t constantly stress them. At Primus, we’ve ensured to have 100% reliable help at the push of a button, 24/7!
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