Ageing is inevitable and irresistible! As people grow older their needs and health demand dedicated care and attention and that's why most of the seniors move into a luxurious independent senior living. Seniors have easy and immediate access to many things such as hospitality, on the call services and convenience. They can meet like-minded people and get the emotional support required.
India is the second-most populous country in the world and the percentage of senior citizens is projected to increase from 8% to 20% in the year 2050, said in a report by The Economic Times. There is another growing concern when it comes to moving into a luxurious independent senior living, which is accessibility. When people think about moving their elderly loved ones into senior living, the first thing that pops up in their minds is whether the place is senior-friendly? Know more about why accessibility for seniors is key in a luxurious independent senior living below.
Safety Comes First: Have you noticed your parents or grandparents get on to their bed? They get on to the bed with great difficulty, because of joint pains, back strain or any other concern. And it is not just about the bed, there are other things around the house or luxurious independent senior living that wouldn’t be comfortable for them or even worse could end up hurting them. For example, the sharp edges of any furniture, toilet seats, flooring and other such things is a concern. So, to address the safety concerns of the seniors, the luxurious independent senior living should follow the footsteps of Primus and incorporate the concept of Intelligent Home Design — Creating spaces that allow seniors to be comfortable and ensure their safety as well.
Stay Extremely Active: Seniors need to be active for their well-being. Being active promotes positivity and helps the seniors to stay fit, physically as well as mentally. Hence, they need easy access to gyms or activities that are specially created for them. For instance, Primus has gyms equipped with specially-imported hydro-pneumatic exercise machines that adapt to the physical strength of individuals. This way there is no room for any pains and aches.
Become Independent: What is better than being able to move around the luxurious independent senior living on your own? Having accessible entrance systems and the latest technology will make the moving around easier. Senior Living should have access to vertical lifts for seniors who use wheelchairs. Ramps, better entrance doors, intercoms and other such things should be taken into consideration as well, so that the senior doesn’t have to depend on someone and move around independently.
Emotional Health: From being able to do everything on your own to having to depend on others for almost everything affects the mental health of the senior. Being able to do the basic everyday chores like going on a walk around the senior living, able to get on and off the bed, making a cup of tea/coffee or taking the elevator will boost the emotional health of the senior.
Now that you know why accessibility for seniors is key in a luxurious independent senior living, ensure you inspect this aspect as well before you finalise the senior living. Primus ensures the safety and comfort of every senior resident with services and conveniences tailored for seniors. At Primus, we ensure that seniors live an absolute hassle-free life. We go the extra mile and make the seniors feel happy and content with our bespoken services, health, nutrition and activities.
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