Primus Senior Living know how retirement homes are helping the elderly live a happy and fulfilling life blog image Primus Senior Living know how retirement homes are helping the elderly live a happy and fulfilling life Image

The stigma surrounding old age homes have dissipated and have given way to the modern concept of retirement homes. As opposed to old age homes that elders tend to avoid like the plague, new age retirement homes are looked at with interest and much expectation. Nuclear homes and families are the norm now and these have a limitation on the availability of both time and space. The busy youngsters are not able to effectively care for their parent. This leads to a solitary life, even when the elders are staying with their kids. Today’s working population is quite mobile preferring to move cities and even countries in search of better opportunities. Elders, on the other hand, do not prefer moving to a new city or place. Even if they do, they are looking at countrysides and suburban areas without the pollution and hectic schedules.

Retirement homes essentially refer to homes that cater to adults aged 55+ who are looking to live independently post-retirement. They prefer to stay with peers, with enough options to socialize and spend time relaxing and rejuvenating. Seniors who prefer such housing options are often healthy individuals or couples with no major health issues. They are active enough to more or less take care of themselves. Luxurious Retirement Homes assist them in leading a healthy, happy and fulfilling life along with like-minded peers.

Retirement homes ensure Independence: Being dependent on anyone is not a feeling that anyone likes. Elders, after spending a lifetime being independent, greatly resent being dependent. Retirement homes ensure their independence as they make facilities available as required. Help with running daily errands or taking care of minor repairs are all managed by the facilities of a community retirement home. These homes are independent units and there is a sense of self-sustenance inherent in such homes.

Availability and on-time care: Often working children are unable to be with their parents during critical times. They might be in jobs that require excessive travel or staying in a different city. Retirement homes have home nurses and on-call doctors who are able to provide effective medical care for the elderly.

Retirement homes have ease of living: Retirement homes are built for the elderly and so their specific needs and requirements are considered. These homes are geriatric friendly with ramps for wheelchairs, sturdy railings and spacy washrooms with comfortable handles to ensure safety and stability for the elders. Such facilities are hardly available in normal homes.

A chance at friendship and companionship: The children being away has given way to solitude and that can push one towards depression. Retirement homes, on the other hand, have like-minded individuals and couples who can socialize. The sense of friendship and companionship leads to better living experience and a sense of happiness and well being.

Luxurious retirement homes are being conceived and promoted by top builders in the city. An excellent example is Primus Reflection. Located on the Kanakapura road, this project offers resort-like hospitality in the luxury of your living space. With world-class facilities that are available on demand and personalized according to individual requirements, these homes offer a vibrant place for the seniors. The seniors get to spend luxurious and relaxing space in the company of friends, enabling greater lifespan and happy retirement.

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