Primus Senior Living Assisted Living / Senior Living Homes Breaking The Taboo Of Old Age Homes In Chennai blog image Primus senior living assisted-living-senior-living-homes-breaking-the-taboo-of-old-age-homes-in-chennai blog page banner image

Assisted Living/ Senior Living homes have always been taboo, and a concept frowned. 

People are busy judging senior homes because they often think of it as something portrayed in an old Bollywood movie where helpless parents live in perennial grief.

But reality is far from it, a retirement community is a peaceful, worry-free space that offers seniors the perfect retirement life. Luxury senior living homes like Primus have been revolutionising the concept of assisted living for years now!

Assisted living/ senior living homes are the safest option available for seniors these days. Living as a community gives them a feeling of independence and safety. 

Benefits of Assisted Living Homes in Chennai

  • Active lifestyle
  • Socialise with peers of the same age group
  • Hassle-free life
  • Enjoy geriatric-friendly amenities
  • Happy living

The best part of living in a senior home is that when the seniors choose to live in one, they are, in no way, compromising on any of the pleasures in life. In fact, they get to concentrate more on themselves as they have to worry less about other things like daily household chores, bills, maintenance, etc. Seniors get to live their life on their own terms once again, just like the old times!

According to a recent study conducted by the LASI Wave 1, Tamil Nadu has the highest number of people aged 60 and above in India. 15 percent of this population is living alone. With the increasing crime rate and other circumstances considered, would you rather see your parents/loved ones/yourself living alone or a luxury lifestyle apartment community with a bunch of like-minded people?

When you are choosing a retirement life, you must choose it wisely. Retire in style with Primus! Primus Senior Living is coming soon to Chennai with their “Namma Retirement Veedu” project. Primus Senior Homes in Chennai are not just about safety. It is a community where like-minded people will live life to their fullest mentally, physically, and emotionally with the help of a well-trained team. 

Primus is one of the best retirement homes in Chennai that is also a gated community senior living in Chennai. Primus is here to destigmatise the concept of old age homes in Chennai so that the seniors could make most of their retirement years with zero worries and a lot of youthfulness.

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